Privacy is important and I take it seriously. If you would like to know more, I have detailed it as much as I can here.
I may get your information in a variety of forms, it could be the initial contact you made, either directly through my website or from a third party such as the Counselling Directory or BACP. I might also ask you to complete some information when we first meet so I have emergency contact details etc. This means I will likely have your name, phone number, email address and possibly your address alongside the emergency contact and any further information you have shared on that initial contact.
Other than this contact information I am also required to keep certain notes about our work. This will be kept separately to your contact information and will not be relatable to you as any identification will be coded. It will include details of the dates we have met.
Storing your information may be within a phone for texting and calling, on paper in a locked place, on my computer which has a password or for invoicing purposes within my accounting software which may be managed by a third party.
I use this information to contact you for our initial consultation and to maintain communication during our time working together. I also need to ethically be able to trace my notes for example during supervision. If there is a safeguarding issue, I will also need to use your details.
There are some other instances where I may need to use your information such as in an emergency in case of accident. I am also legally obliged to share notes if there is information relating to a court case. In other instances where you have signed a consent to share your information for another reason.
Your information will not be shared by me unless necessary and never for marketing purposes.
I am required to keep my notes for an allotted period of time, once this time is over, I will shred any paper information and delete completely any electronic information. I will take your phone number out of my contacts list once our work has ended.
Please do request any further information if it is required.